HPCC Conference Online Registration Form


Optional information
Day phone
Evening Phone

PLEASE MARK APPROPRIATE BOXES (NB: No need to re-register for the new rate – the difference will be refunded at the conference.)

£20I am a member of HPCC, PROMPT, or another HeX affiliated or US club and shall attend Saturday. My Club and membership number are:
£25I am not a member.
I shall also attend on Sunday.
£10I am unable to attend but please send me a copy of the Proceedings. (Cost excludes postage which will be advised later. Copies may be collected post free from subsequent Club meetings)
I plan to present a talk on the following topic: and wish to claim £10 off the attendance fee should my proposed talk be accepted and camera-ready copy be submitted by 30 August 2002
£10I am registering late (after 8th September) and include £10 surcharge
I am interested in a dealer or Club stand
I am interested in an auction of HP equipment.
I am willing to help run the Conference
Please send details of bed and breakfast accommodation in the College
Please send details of nearby hotels
£26.50I will attend the Conference Dinner on 21 September at the Polish Hearth Club.
Special dietary requirements:
£26.50I will bring a guest to the Dinner. The guest’s name is:
My guest has special dietary requirements:

£ Total. Please add up the selected items if a total is not shown.

Please charge the above sum to VISA MASTERCARD
Card Number
Exp. date
Exact name shown on card:
Card address (if different to above)

Please send your completed form:

by post to David Hodges
HPCC Membership Secretary
8 Stratford Court
Salisbury Road
Hampshire GU14 7AJ
by email . Use this PGP key for secure transmission.
Email applications with a valid return address will receive a confirmation within a few days. If you do not receive one then send an email enquiry in the first instance, fax or letter thereafter.
by fax to +44 870 050 9624 (from outside the UK)
0870 050 9624 (from within the UK)

By applying you agree that any information given on this application form may be stored on a computer system. The information will not be used for commercial purposes.


Page last modified : 30th September 2002