IN71 Manual Page


in71 - a filter to read a program from an HP71B


in71 [-b] < input_device > output_file in71 -?


The HP71B Handheld computer, when fitted with the HP82401A HPIL Interface can copy files not only to mass-storage peripherals but also to any other HPIL device. The format of data sent in the latter case consists of a 32 byte header which is identical to a directory entry on a LIF volume followed by the file date padded out (with arbitrary characters) to make it a multiple of 256 bytes. in71 strips off the header (displaying some of its information to standard error), and (by default) truncates the last block of the file, thus recovering the original file data. It can thus be used for the direct transfer of files from an HP71B to a linux system using (e.g.) an HP82164 RS232 interface. Options -b Pass the all the bytes of the file, do not truncate the last block. -? Print a message giving program usage to standard error and exit


hardware/* : Information on linking an HP71B to a PC


If an HP71B is connected to the linux device /dev/cua0 via a suitable interface, then the command in71 < /dev/cua0 | hptext will read an HP71B text file (sent, e.g. by COPY MYTEXT TO :RS232 on the HP71), decode it, and write the result to standard output.


The data sent by an HP71B when it copies a file to a non- mass-storage device is documented in Volume 1 of the HP71 HPIL Internal Design Specification




in71 was written by Tony Duell, and has been placed under the GNU Public License version 2.0