INP41 Manual Page


inp41 - a filter to decode an HP41 hexadecimal program


inp41 < input_device_or_file > output_file


The HP41C Extended I/O Module contains 2 commands, INP and OUTP which translate HP41 programs (stored in the calculator's program memory) into a hexadecimal byte stream for transmission to other computers. inp41 reads such a hexadecimal file from standard input (which may be redirected from, for example, a serial port connected to the HP41 via an HP82164 RS232 interface), decodes it and writes the binary program to standard output. At the end of the transfer, the message checksum good or checksum bad is written to standard error as appropriate.


hardware/* : Information on linking the HP41 to a PC.


The format of this hexadecimal stream is essentially undocumented and was discovered by experiment. The format is given in the comments at the start of the source file outp41.c


inp41 was written by Tony Duell, and has been placed under the GNU Public License version 2.0