WALL41 Manual Page
wall41 - a program to extract information from an HP41 Write
All file
wall41 [-k [ key_file ] ] [-b buff# [ buffer_file ] ] [-r [
register_file ] ] [-s [ status_file ] ] [-p program_name ] <
wall41 -?
An HP41 Write All file is a dump of the entire contents of
user memory, including user data, user programs, buffers,
key assignments and the status registers. wall41 reads a
Write All file from standard input and extracts one or more
of these sections from it. The extracted data is written
either to standard output or to the specified file. In turn
this information can be decoded by other filters in the LIF
Utilities package.
-k [key_file]
Extract the KARs (Key Assignment Registers) in a format
suitable for decoding with key41. If an output file is
not given, the data is written to standard output and
can be piped directly in to key41
-b buff# [buffer_file]
Extract the contents of the buffer area with id buff#.
If buffer_file is not specified, the data is written to
standard output.
-r [register_file]
Extract the user data registers as an sdata file. If no
output file is specified, write the data to standard
output, suitable for piping to the sdata program.
-s [status_file]
Extract the status information (user stack, alpha
register, user flags) to the specified file, or, if no
file is given, to standard output. The program stat41
can be used to decode this information.
-p program_name
Extract the user programs to files called
program_name.001, program_name.002 and so on. The
program_name must be specified, this option cannot
write data to standard output.
-? Print a message giving program usage to standard error
and exit.
The format of the HP41 Write All file is undocumented, but
as it is simply a dump of all user memory registers in the
logical order, most books on synthetic programming which
contain the format of HP41 user memory are a good reference
on the data contained in a Write All file. Information of
the format of Key Assignment Registers, HP41 user programs,
data registers, etc can be found in the same books.
Two useful references are : Extend Your HP41 (W. A. C. and
The HP41 Synthetic Programming Quick Reference
If all1.w41 is an HP41 write-all file, then
wall41 -k < all1.w41 | key41
will display the key assignments to standard output.
wall41 -p program <all1.w41
will extract user programs to files called program.001,
program.002, ...
wcat41(1), prog41(1), key41(1), sdata(1), stat41(1),
wall41 was written by Tony Duell, ard.p850ug1@gmail.com
and has been placed under the GNU Public License version 2.0