Handheld and Portable Computer Club
HPCC is a voluntary, independent body run by and for users of handheld and portable computers and calculators.
For over 40 years, the club has been helping members get the most from their Hewlett Packard equipment and further the exchange of information and ideas.
While most members' main interest is in the HP range of models, the club is happy to discuss other models too, at meetings, through the club journal - Datafile, and on these web pages.
HPCC is not supported by Hewlett Packard or any other commercial organisation; its activities are funded and undertaken by its members.
Latest News - 6th February 2025
The contents of Datafile V37N4 are now available. The magazine is currently being posted out to members.
The HP-41 Valuation 1 PAC is now available to download. The zip file contains the 174-page manual and ROM, MOD and LIF files for use with MLDLs, PIL-Box, Clonix, DM41X, Emulators, etc.
DrARD's Schematics set has been updated to version 5.1 with the addition of the HP9111 HPIB Digitising Tablet, Olympia ICR412 Desktop Calculator and the Prinztronic MC85 (which Tony described and dismantled at the HPCC 2024 Mini-Conference).
In-person and online meeting dates for 2025 are now published, including the date and agenda for the 2025 AGM.
Slides, photos and videos of the HPCC 2024 Mini-Conference are now available.
RCL40: Recollection, Reinvention and HP Calculators, is now back in stock.
Next In Person Meeting
8th March 2025 11:00-17:00 GMT (UTC)
In person meetings are held in the Physics Common Room, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, South Kensington, London on the second Saturday of each month.
Next Online Club Meeting
1st March 2025 15:00-17:00 GMT (UTC)
Online meetings take place on the first and third Saturday of each month via Webex. Please send an email to Mark dot Power at hpcc dot uk if you need a meeting invitation.
RCL40: Recollection, Reinvention and HP Calculators
Now back in stock!
In 2002 HPCC published the book RCL20: People, Dreams and HP Calculators. To celebrate our 40th anniversary in 2022 we have produced a follow-up volume, RCL40: Recollection, Reinvention and HP Calculators, which includes contributions from members of HP calculator teams past and present, members of HPCC and our friends around the world who collectively have kept alive our enthusiasm for HP calculators and pocket computers.
Multiply: The Francis Hookham Collection of Hand Held Electronic Calculators
HPCC members visited the the Whipple Museum of the History of Science in Cambridge to view the Francis Hookham Collection of Hand Held Electronic Calculators in December 2022. The museum produced a limited print run full colour catalogue of the collection called Multiply, and following our visit have kindly made the PDF version of the catalogue available on their website or by clicking on the adjacent cover.
An update to Multiply is currently being produced (September 2024) with many corrections. A second print run will be produced and the PDF version will made available online.
HPCC 40th Anniversary Conference
22nd and 23rd October, 2022
HPCC celebrated its 40th Anniversary with a conference in London over the weekend of 22nd and 23rd October 2022. HPCC members and HP calculator enthusiasts from around the world attended. See our 2022 Conference Page for more details, including slides and videos.
Calculators and Handhelds
Scroll through and click on a machine for more details

Older News
The contents of Datafile V37N3 are now available. The magazine was posted to club members at the end of November 2023 and all members in the UK should have received their copies by now. International members should receive their copies in the near future.
Slides and videos from the 2023 HPCC Mini-Conference are now available.
Starseed search, by Frank Wales and transcribed by Jackie Woldering, has finally made it into Datafile forty years after first appearing in Your Computer magazine. The program description, listing, barcode and raw files are available to download from the HP-41 page.
Slides and videos from our October 2021 Mini-Virtual Conference are now available.
Slides and videos from the 2020 HPCC Conference are now available.
Notes and another chapter of RCL20: People, Dreams & HP Calculators, the book produced to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of HPCC in 2002, have been published.
Some errors have crept into the listing for HHC2 in Datafile V36N3P49 in the article "Some Thoughts on the HHC2019 Programming Challenge." This zip file contains the corrected listing for HHC2 and the binary for download straight to the HP50g.
Datafile V35N4 was accidentally printed without the regular Chairman's Bytes article. You can now read Wlodek's thoughts online.
The outcome of the EGM vote on 11th March 2017 on the future publication of Datafile is now available here, along with request for membership renewals for anyone who followed the instructions in Datafile V35N4.
Bruce Horrock's article on Stack Parameter Checking for the HP50G, from Datafile V27N4, is available to read and the code to download.
The HP20b Business Consultant, with RPN and scientific functions, is described in Gene Wright's review from Datafile V27N3. HP's PDF brochure is also available here.
A revised template for Datafile articles is available for download on the Datafile page.
The 5th edition of Wlodek's "A Guide to HP Calculators and Computers" has just been published. This revision of the 2003 edition has more than 40 additional pages covering all the latest HP models. Copies are available from Wlodek or www.hpcalculatorguide.com/.
Articles from Datafile V25N4 on HP-12C Platinum Cash-Flow Entry Bug and Integer Division on the HP33S are now available to download in PDF format.
Christoph Klug's article on transferring data from an HP41 to EMU41 on a PC via RS232 (from Datafile V25N3) is now available to download.
Christoph Klug's article on transferring data from one HP41 to another HP41 via RS232 (from Datafile V25N1) is now available to download.
Jordi Hidalgo's HP39G aplet to enable the CAS, effectively turning an HP39G into an HP40G, is available here.