Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | HPCC | | V19N6P2 |
Stop Press | General | | V19N6P2 |
Editorial | Various | | V19N6P3 |
HPCC Chairman's Bytes for Nov Dec 2000 | Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N6P4 |
Challenges and Mini-Challenges | HP48 | Bruce Horrocks | V19N6P5 |
The HPCC 2000 Annual General Meeting | HPCC | Dave Colver & Richard Hooker | V19N6P6 |
Members Letters | HP49 | Anonymous | V19N6P8 |
Evaluation of Windows CE programs tested on an HP 680 | HP680 | Hans Vandale | V19N6P9 |
HP48G Simultaneous Equations Solver | HP48G | Philippe J. Roussel | V19N6P11 |
Hewlett-Packard Company News | HP | Bruce Horrocks | V19N6P18 |
Science and Engineering Mathematics with the HP 49 G | HP49 | Gilberto E. Urroz | V19N6P19 |
HP49G Flags Trivia Question | HP49G | | V19N6P24 |
HP39G/40G Resources Page Available | HP39G/40G | Jean-Yves Avenard | V19N6P25 |
The State of the Art | Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N6P26 |
HP71 / HP75 corner (Part 2) | Hp71/75 | Willy Janssens | V19N6P32 |
The HP41 Manual Challenge | HP41 | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz and José Chinchilla | V19N6P34 |
HP Calculator History the HP17B | HP17B | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N6P35 |
Wanted and For Sale | Various | Bruce Horrocks | V19N6P35 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Affairs | HPCC/PCX | | V19N5P2 |
Stop Press | General | | V19N5P2 |
Editorial | Various | | V19N5P3 |
Members Letters | HP27,41,12C | Tony Duell | V19N5P4 |
Chairmans Bytes | Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N5P6 |
Migrating from Jornada 680 to 720 | HP680/720 | Jo Vandale | V19N5P7 |
Challenges and Page Footers | Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N5P10 |
Spiral length The engineers approach | HP48 | Ph J. Roussel | V19N5P11 |
Conference and Calculator Photographs | Various | | V19N5P14 |
Conference Reports | Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N5P16 |
Whats new since the previous mini-conference | Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N5P20 |
On Dropping Null Strings from a List | HP48 | Bill Butler | V19N5P22 |
Dropping the Shorter of Two Lists | HP48 | Challenge | V19N5P25 |
HP71/HP75 corner | HP71/75 | Willy Janssens | V19N5P26 |
HP Calculator History the HP-19B | HP-19B | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N5P27 |
A curiosity RPN for TI-89 | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N5P27 |
Wanted and For Sale | General | | V19N5P27 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Affairs | HPCC/PCX | | V19N4P2 |
Stop Press | General | | V19N4P2 |
Editorial | Various | | V19N4P3 |
Chairmans Bytes | Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N4P3 |
Q&A | HP-41/IL | Tony Duell | V19N4P6 |
Challenges and Mini-Challenges | HP48 | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N4P6 |
Dropping the Shorter of Two Lists Reminder | HP48/49 | Bill Butler | V19N4P7 |
HP48 Prime Factorisation Challenge NB. This article was published in error. The latest version of this article was published in V19N1. Sorry Bill for the mistake, WMJ. | HP48 | Bill Butler | V19N4P7 |
The Mysterious Expression on the Cover | HP48/49 | Philippe Roussel | V19N4P9 |
Evaluation of WinCE Programs on an HP 680 | HP680/690 | Hans Vandale | V19N4P10 |
HP30S vs TI-30 | HP30S | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N4P12 |
HP30S Bugs and Notes | HP30S | Joe Horn | V19N4P15 |
HP49G (and HP39G/40G) Notes | 38/39/40/49 | WMJ & Joe Horn | V19N4P16 |
HP-12C Project Report | HP-12C | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N4P17 |
HP-12C Calendar for about 26 Centuries | HP-12C | Philippe Heilbronn | V19N4P21 |
HP-41C Manual Pictures | General | WMJ & Tony Duell | V19N4P29 |
Repairing An HP200LX | HP200LX | Jo Vandale | V19N4P30 |
Review of V41 from Warren Furlow | HP-41/PC | Christoph Klug | V19N4P33 |
A Visit to RMS | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N4P34 |
HP Calculator History the Pioneers | HP17B/27S | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N4P35 |
Wanted and For Sale | General | | V19N4P35 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Affairs | HPCC/PCX | | V19N3P2 |
Stop Press | General | | V19N3P2 |
Editorial | Various | | V19N3P3 |
Members Letters | Various | Richard Hooker | V19N3P4 |
Chairmans Bytes | Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N3P4 |
Q&A Shortage and Excess | HP48 | James Grealy | V19N3P5 |
To Sync or not to Sync, Thats the question? | Palmtops | Jo Vandale | V19N3P7 |
All in Sync! Personal for Windows CE | HP680/690 | Chris Blancke | V19N3P8 |
Evaluation of Windows CE programs | HP680/690 | Hans Vandale | V19N3P9 |
The HP-12C Project | HP-12C | HPCC Committee | V19N3P10 |
And the HP42S Too | HP42S | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N3P10 |
The ALG48 V4.2 FCTR command: a bug? | HP48 | Philippe Roussel | V19N3P11 |
An HP48 Emulator for a Handheld PC | 48/Jornada | Jo Vandale | V19N3P13 |
IL 2000 Interface System | HP-IL/41 | Christoph Klug | V19N3P14 |
Jornada 540 and other New Products | 540/Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N3P16 |
Q&A spiral length an HP48G tutorial | HP48G/GX | Philippe Roussel | V19N3P18 |
Checking Credit Cards | HP28/48/49 | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N3P24 |
Review of EMU41 from Jean-Francois Garnier | HP-41/PC | Christoph Klug | V19N3P26 |
HP49G Notes and KEYHUNT | HP49G | Joe Horn/WMJ | V19N3P29 |
HP Calculator History the HP-28C | HP28C | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N3P31 |
Wanted and For Sale | General | | V19N3P31 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Affairs | HPCC/PCX | | V19N2P2 |
Stop Press | General | | V19N2P2 |
Editorial | Various | | V19N2P3 |
Members' Letters | Various | Bruce Horrocks | V19N2P4 |
Chairman's Bytes | Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N2P6 |
The New Calculators | 30/39/40 | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N2P7 |
Q&A Interfacing a scope with the 49G? | HP48/49 | Frank Waterland | V19N2P8 |
The Hypatia Riddle | HP48G/GX | Philippe Roussel | V19N2P10 |
More WindowsCE Programs tested on a 680 | HP680/690 | Hans Vandale | V19N2P16 |
A EuroRPN Calculator | HP680/690 | Jo Vandale | V19N2P18 |
Colour photographs of the HP30S and HP40G | HP30S/40G | Hewlett Packard | V19N2P20 |
The 30S - What can we expect? | HP30S | Dave Colver | V19N2P22 |
SuperCalc | General | Jeremy Smith | V19N2P23 |
A Hole in the Middle?  | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N2P29 |
HP49G User Key Problems | HP49G | Joe Horn | V19N2P30 |
HP48SX User Recovers Enthusiasm | HP48/49G | John Bruce | V19N2P31 |
Programming class: Remove blanks from a list | HP48/49G | Richard Nelson & Joe Horn | V19N2P34 |
A WinCE Plot Utility | HP680/690 | Chris Jansen | V19N2P37 |
HP Calculator History - the HP-18C | HP18C | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N2P39 |
IL 2000 | HP-41/IL | Christoph Klug | V19N2P39 |
Wanted and For Sale | General | | V19N2P39 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
About HPCC etc | HPCC | | V19N1P2 |
Stop Press | General | | V19N1P2 |
Editorial | Various | | V19N1P3 |
Members' Letters | Various | John Bruce, Joe Horn | V19N1P4 |
Chairman's Bytes | Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N1P5 |
HPCC Accounts for 1999 | General | David Hodges | V19N1P6 |
Q&A - 0^0 on the HP48 | HP48 | Hewlett-Packard | V19N1P7 |
Q&A - Plotting an Implicit Function | HP48GX | Philippe Roussel | V19N1P8 |
HP48 Prime Factorization Challenge | HP48 | Bill Butler | V19N1P12 |
Not the Coconut Grove | HP48 | Mark Power | V19N1P14 |
More about Restoring PICT | HP48G | Mark Power | V19N1P15 |
Buying a Jornada 690, sorry 680, in Europe | HP680/690 | Jo Vandale | V19N1P16 |
WinCE programs tested on a Jornada 680 | HP680 | Hans Vandale | V19N1P18 |
Save Unlimited Command Line Entries | HP49G | John H. Meyers | V19N1P19 |
Vectored ENTER in Algebraic Mode | HP49G | John H. Meyers | V19N1P21 |
HP49G Notes | HP49G | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N1P23 |
Pell's Equation on the HP49G | HP49G | Bob Pulluard | V19N1P24 |
HP Calculator History - the HP94 models | HP-94 | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N1P28 |
HP19BII as a Possible Replacement for 27S | 19BII/27S | Jim Lawson | V19N1P29 |
Reminder | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V19N1P31 |
IL 2000 | HP-41/IL | Christoph Klug | V19N1P31 |
Wanted and For Sale | General | | V19N1P31 |
Page Last modified: 1st January 2022